Normcore at GreenCode


We live in a world of plenty, so rich in products, features, and options which make our heads spin. "Basic" takes the simple things and turns them into something just a little more extraordinary.

The simplicity expressed in the cinema recalls the sense of original basic: the clarity of space, the lines of pattern and rhythm, the neat and tidy composition. The simple addition of a pitched wooden ceiling unfolds the cine-basic of "sound", yet creates a sense of "newness" in discovering something exciting about a really ordinary and functional foyer space.

The choice of material is simple: wooden ceiling textured in strips folded against a very simple white wall and floor tiled background, yet bringing more freedom of imagination.

Spatially, the foyer is decentralized to the cinema modules, yet opens its presence towards the mall and interacts more. This wooden canopy folds the spatial modules and brings them to different time and space. The virtual screen folds, the surging sound-pitch, recall the original presence of cinema experience - image and sound.

The design started in October 2015 and was completed in February 2016 in Hong Kong. Construction began in March 2016 and was finished in November 2016.

The simplicity expressed in the cinema recalls the sense of original basic: the clarity of space, the lines of pattern and rhythm, the neat and tidy composition. The simple addition of a pitched wooden ceiling unfolds the cine-basic of "sound", yet creates a sense of "newness" in discovering something exciting about a really ordinary and functional foyer space.

This Design was awarded Iron in A' Design Award in 2018. The Iron A' Design Award is awarded to well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements. It is respected for integrating industry best practices and competent technical characteristics, providing fulfillment and positive feelings, contributing to a better world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Michael Tsang
Image Credits: Michael Tsang
Project Team Members: Michael Tsang Anthony Ho David Yu
Project Name: Normcore at GreenCode
Project Client: Michael Tsang

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Normcore at GreenCode IMG #3
Normcore at GreenCode IMG #4
Normcore at GreenCode IMG #5
Normcore at GreenCode IMG #5

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